Why Ogden?

We believe that Ogden has a special calling of influence on Utah and the World – we want to partner with God to promote His good intentions for this influence and encourage an even greater influence in the years to come as people come to Ogden and go on from here to bless the nations.

Urban and Creative

One of the standouts of Ogden is its historic 25th street and the old union station. The ambiance of once upon a time and what if come together here.

Around this center of culture we see new buildings and architecture as well as renovations of older buildings – a common theme throughout the city. We love the way that this speak’s to God’s heart for the city and the world. What once was doesn’t define us, but it does provide a platform creativity and growth. God has placed incredible gifts inside of each individual person, as well as, the peoples, places, and passions they we create when we partner together.

Historically this has shown its face in Ogden through the railways that operated through the city, technology developed here, and the travels of people. Presently we still see this happening as Ogden serves as a place of creativity, worship, travel, celebration and enjoyment.

God has good gifts that He still has left to give through the heart of this city!

Natural Beauty and Adventure

The greatest landmark of Ogden is actually the sheer mountain face east of the city. In the evening and morning wind comes from these mountains giving a bit of respite during hot summers and a bit of excitement in the winter.

These two seasons depict the variation in outdoor sports that help define the city.

In the summer you can find the city, its nature walks, and the mountains filled with walkers, hikers, mountain bikers, and runners. Tubing the river to relax and cool off or wading into the river to fish for trout are also viable options. Paddle boarding the Great Salt Lake or the Huntsville Reservoir is growing trend.

In the winter you can drive or take ski bus to downhill skiing and snowboarding resorts, or practice snowshoeing and cross country skiing. Or, you can enjoy hot chocolate at one of the excellent local coffee shops while looking at the snowy mountains.

There are many ways that God has revealed his beauty to Ogden and we partner with Him in this by ministering in the parks, mountains, and places where His beauty in creation can be observed and reflected on.

A place that needs relationship

As is common with many mountain towns the rate of depression, suicide, and youth suicide are greater here.

As followers of Jesus we have the opportunity to build relationships and serve the community in ways that can work against that by being friends, helping people learn how to process through life, build stronger families, and point people towards a strong relationship with Jesus. Friendships are key here in Ogden.

A place of travel and hospitality

Ogden still serves as a crossroads for travel across the United States and that brings many visitors to the city. Both historically and presently, the city has been seen as a place of refuge for the person looking for hope and a place of enjoyment for the person looking for a good time.

Hospitality comes in all shapes and sizes so we work with our friends in the community to host travelers, serve food, and partner with existing ministries to bless homeless or impoverished persons and families.

A place of learning and outreach

In addition to everything else that makes Ogden unique, it is also a place of different  cultures and languages.

We look forward to running YWAM’s Discipleship Training School which focuses on knowing God and making Him known. For the last ten years we have brought DTS and other outreach teams to Utah to learn how to honor other cultures and present the Gospel in honoring ways. We love the nations among us!

As we grow in full-time staff teams we also hope that this will spread to other schools, seminars, and training days that focus on reaching out to the community, sharing the Gospel in honoring ways, living a life of devotion to God, as well as, other areas of community involvement – like photography, art, language, and family.

There is no shortage of learning opportunities to be had in Ogden and we look forward to adding to that list!

Could you see yourself as a part of Ogden? Or do you live here and want to help?

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